Author: <span>Mike</span>



bush on a sandy beach
bush on a sandy beach

Time to dust off this ‘ol website and get back to some of the original ideas that was the long brewing impetus of this whole project

Which brings me to the revival of this site.

My love of film hasn’t waned over this past 18 months. It’s actually grown. But, I had to put certain things aside, like we all did. 

Today is a Saturday. I have the following week away from work. Grateful I still have a job, but it is something that is long overdue.

Also in a week will be my 2nd time shooting an event since all this crud started back in Feb/March of 2020.

A bit nervous if I’m being honest.

I’m also struggling to decide if I want to shoot film.

And this event, no one cares if I shoot film or not. In fact, it takes too long to get the images back for their liking / needs. Which is understood. Fast events need fast execution of sharable content, right?

Right now, I’m strongly considering shooting film for part of it. The event can lend itself well to analog photography. Especially the people around it. Capturing their moments of elation and frustration. The grit and grime. The perseverance that many of these people go through for this passion of theirs. I always strive to capture as much as I can. For me, THAT is the story. But…admittedly a bit difficult. I’m an outsider poking his lens in their space. 

So, with that consideration, I’m in the process of deciding if I DID shoot film, WHAT film would I shoot? And now it’s black and white film, Delta 3200, Tmax 3200, or TriX pushed to 3200. 

And realistically, I’ll have to push what ever film I shoot to 6400 or more. And i’m afraid that TriX would fall apart that high….and maybe not in a good way.

Quick look online, fair amount of Tmax P3200 vs TriX@3200. With many saying P3200 keeps the shadow detail better.

This lighting will be high contrast and low light. Think those cheap work lights you see at your local hardware store… that’s what I’ll be dealing with.

Have any of you pushed TriX to extremes? Your experience?

Back down the google hole I go to do more research…

And if I do shoot film, I’ll be sure to share here and on instagram.

Have a better one!


Every Zine needs a theme

well… it’s almost been a year since I started to create content for this site.

Slowly gathering content

And the bug to create a zine has hit me again.

I don’t have a concept as of yet

I have some visual idea for layout

I have some idea of the visual content…but only in broad strokes.

So, where to begin?

Every zine needs a good theme!

What should this be?

Gritty black and white photos of people in a metropolitan environment?

Minimalistic landscape photos?

Abstractions of cars with expired color film?

Late night, blurry, grainy photos of me walking around downtown? The burbs??

How about taking a look back at my previous attempt of “yellow”?

Shoot film?

Shoot color film?

Shoot black and white film?

Shoot digital?

How about lo-fi-ish iPhone digital photos?


35mm? Medium format? Large format?

One lens? All my lenses? Just primes? Just zooms?

All of the above, put it all in a blender, and see what happens?

Lots to ponder…and I’m going to do what I did last time. Spend about a week just OBSERVING my world. 

THEN move forward.


WTF is this…and why??

Or…The Start

Over a series of texts and phone calls, I came to realize there is A LOT of info that my friends and I were coming about that should be shared. I’d be naive to think that we discovered a lot of this knowledge ourselves, but I doubt that’s true.

Thus, the idea of this blog was born. Not only as a collection of our growing knowledge about analog and hybrid photography, but in photography in general.

You know, stuff like composition, shooting techniques, “seeing” light, to the technical stuff. Things like scanners, films stocks, developers, Lightroom and Capture One trick, etc, etc, etc. Even the occasional behind-the-scenes video / article.

In the interest of “paying it forward”, felt like it would be good to share this knowledge with all of you that are interested in film, in digital, and in photography. 

There’s another reason for this site…admittedly a selfish reason..and that it to push myself as a photographer. To push my knowledge of film further. To answer “what-ifs”. To push my knowledge of composition further. To PUSH me further along a path I started as a young kid with my father and grandfather letting me “look” into their cameras and the magic and excitement that I saw.

In summary, welcome to All The Worlds A Blur. You’re welcome to join us on this journey. To join us in this community. To grow and learn with us. Or not. The choice is yours!